Nigella - Cooking Up A Storm with One Hundred Stars

Nigella One Hundred Stars

Nigella Lawson in her One Hundred Stars dressing gown for BBC2's, At My Table. Photograph: Robin Fox/BBC/Robin Fox.

Did you catch Nigella Lawson wearing her beautiful One Hundred Stars gown this week? Whilst making some incredible looking waffles, Nigella wore the Venice Map edition of the One Hundred Stars gowns in her latest show, At My Table on BBC2. We are long standing admirers of the One Hundred Stars brand and have been honoured to have stocked them in our Melbourne store since we first opened last summer.

It's safe to say, demand for these gowns has gone through the roof since the show aired. Whilst the Venice edition has now sold out, we still have a few other map editions available here, including Paris, London and New York. Should Venice be the one for you, please email and we'll happily email you when they are back in stock. In the meantime, why not also browse our wider One Hundred Stars collection here, for some beautiful vintage mapped kimonos and scarfs.

Now.. where is my whisk...

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