Copenhagen Fashion Week

What a fabulous trip!

Great food, great wine, great company (my Mum) and finally fab clothing!

The shows were a lot larger than we were anticipating which was such a positive for us! However at the first show there were a few too many mainstream/ highstreet names for my liking however amongst that we found little gems! Designers had really gone to town on their displays and stands, inspiration everywhere we looked!

The second show was much more what we were hoping and looking for and came away with some great ideas, designer contacts and possibilities. Lots of bold designers with their own style which we really liked! 

I am pleased to say there was real mix in offering too and we have already ordered from quite a few - we just couldn't help ourselves!  Some designers will be with us for this Spring Summer and others later in the year as we approach Autumn. WATCH THIS SPACE! 

Most of our time there was spent working but we did manage to take a day for ourselves and believe it or not we spent it mostly shopping! If you are into Homeware, Copenhagen = HEAVEN. Lets just say there was an overweight case on the way home.... During our shopping day I also came across more independent designers which I am now in talks with (always on the hunt). Here are a few pics from our trip..... So excited for you to see the new ranges coming to the store!
Look out for the next Blog Post as I will be talking about a new designer we have in store! xxx

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